DELE exam preparation course

The examinations for the obtaining of the diplomas of Spanish are realized in the centers of the Institute Cervantes and in the wide network of centers of examination DELE, between which there are universities, centers of education of Spanish, academies, embassies and consulates.

DELE examination centres network has more than 900 centers of examination in more than 100 countries. DELE Diplomas cover all levels of the MCEFR (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2)

We are sure a quality preparation to be able to pass the exam, regardless of the level to which show.We know very well the assessment system and prepare the material in a very specific manner and with greater possibilities of success.

We present a real and specific situations to desired degree.

Extensive DELE Course

4h exam preparation / week

Nº weeksPrice
280 €
4150 €
6220 €
8280 €
Registration50 €

Diplomas DELE

Intensive DELE Course

20h Spanish + 5h exam preparation / week

Nº WeeksPrice
1220 €
2440 €
3650 €
4850 €
Since 5th200 € / week


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